Monday, 28 April 2014

The editing of my essay...

So I have just received the feedback from my first draft. In general, Adesola seemed very positive about my work, and gave me some really useful points of advice.

One thing I am particularly struggling with ( and have throughout this entire course) is being able to stay within the word count limit. I genuinely really connect with my inquiry and find I want to write in too much detail about everything. However, Adesola gave me some really good advice. She said

In terms of the word count I suggest you go through for extra words you don't need.  I have crossed some out to give examples of ones that could be cut. This is like the choreographic process!!! Getting rid of the parts that do not need to be there to still make your point - making a clean 'line'.

Directly linking my problem to my inquiry is a great way for me to look at this essay in general. With my topic I have been trying to strip away an unnecessary parts in the choreographic process, and get to the essence of it and why it might be. This is exactly what I need to do with the essay. 

This approach really helped me decide how to conduct my professional artefact as I took this advice and wrote down the three main ideas I needed to show and then thought about the best way to show it. 

While I am still struggling with the word count, my new attitude towards it will hopefully help me to make this essay as 'straight to the point' as it can be!