Friday, 23 May 2014

The feeling of relief and panic

So last week I handed in my inquiry and my professional artefact. The feeling of relief was overwhelming but also immediately followed with that sense of 'have I done enough'? 

As an overall experience I have really enjoyed creating and writing my inquiry. The opportunities it has brought to interview and observe amazing choreographers, as well as the chance for me to combine this with all my personal experiences has been so beneficial to my career as a young choreographer. Through this inquiry I have grown in confidence at my own ability and approach to choreography and teaching, as well as learning staggering amounts not just about each choreographers individual process, but also about their approach to the industry as well as choreographic techniques I can use in my work to enhance it.

My biggest challenge by far, has been physically creating and sending my professional artefact. After taking a while to work out how I was going to present my findings for the professional artefact, I finally decided (after a big discussion with Adesola) that I needed to document the phyiscal doing of choreography in order for this project to be most beneficial to me and my career. Therefore I decided to make a video documenting two different choreographic processes: one for contemporary and one for musical theatre. The filming of the video was enjoyable and it was really helpful for me to physically feel everything I had discovered and to see how my body and mind reacted to it. However, I then had endless amounts of trouble creating a video due to computer issues and so finally had to use PowerPoint as the tool to display my findings. Due to the size of the file this was then not able to be sent over the internet by ANY means.... Seriously, skydive, wetransfer, Dropbox- you name it I tried it! I eventually had to put it on a DVD disc and send it but the disc is very slow to load is requires unnecessary effort. 

While all this stress has brought me to tears several times, I have actually learnt a great deal from it. Adesola rightly pointed out that these type of computer skills are very much needed in my profession as a lot of artists use video to showcase themselves and their capabilities. I had never heard if wetransfer before this problem, nor had I spent the time to fully explore Dropbox or YouTube. Since this  problem, I have researched other software that creates videos. I have downloaded a newer version of movie maker onto my laptop (I tried this before and the software didn't work) and have remade my professional artefact incase it's needed in the future. While I am still have a problem with it, it has encouraged me to email tech savvy people that may be able to help in an attempt to boost my computer skills. 

Fingers tightly crossed I won't have such a stressful time in the future!