Wednesday, 6 February 2013

The first blog...

So, having never been very tech savvy, the idea of starting up my very own blog sounded like the scariest thing in the world... However, hear I am writing my first blog after a frustrating hour and half trying to work out how to set it up! Although my blogs main purpose is too allow me to challenge and explore my thoughts and ideas for the Middlesex BAPP Programme, I can already begin to see why the craze of blogging has taken off. As someone who has recently graduated and enjoys networking and meeting new people, it is a great way for professionals to allow other professionals to see each others interests, thoughts, ideas and passions. It sparks debates and conversations and allows you to connect with people you might not otherwise know much about. As I sit here now, with not a clue about the blogging world, I hope I can quickly adjust to this new 'computer diary' and begin to network in a way I never have before.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Iona,
    Its been exactly the same for me nearly 3 hours of trying to keep calm to set this up!I feel the same its a complete new way of living that we will adapt to i am sure. Its a challenge we choose to accept and build upon.
    Take care x
