E-mailing is a great way for me to interact as it allows you to contact person or establishment directly,without being to invasive into their personal lives if you don't know them very well. When I first decided that I wanted to pursue choreography as a career, I used e-mail as a way to ask for work experience with different choreographers and theatres. I preferred this to letters as e-mail allows you to attach documents therefore I could send them my CV and head shot as well. In addition to this, it meant to information was sent to them immediately and with no risk of getting lost, rather than a letter which could take several days and get lost in transit.
Today e-mail is still a fantastic and reliable source of information for me. It is how I quite often get contacted for different jobs, as I am more than happy to give people my e-mail address, but sometimes more reluctant to give out my telephone number. It also means I can contacted people on mass if needs be.
Social media and Web 2.0
I have used social media and Web 2.0 for many years, however it hasn't been until fairly recently that I have used them to benefit my professional career. Facebook, Twitter and blogging are a fantastic way to keep up to date with the latest information and trends. They allow people to have insight into your life and career, and also are a great way for you to promote and advertise yourself. However, they are only valuable as long as they are popular. In other words, there would be no point in me using Twitter if a) is wasn't that popular or b) the people on their weren't able to boost my professional network. Another thing to be aware of when using social media is that everything on there is very exposing. If you allow a Musical Theatre professional to be your friend on Facebook, you are allowing them to see your social life and interests outside of your career. Although this generally shouldn't be a problem, I am always aware of who I allow to be my friend, and monitor what goes up on my wall to ensure my professional career is not hindered.
The internet is another fantastic way to improve your professional career as you are opened up to the biggest pool of information and knowledge you can find. I often use the internet if I am meeting a professional for the first time and want to be clued up on their experience and career. Another way I use it is to find out information on locations for rehearsals using google maps and different theatres and choreographers that I can write too. A big positive about the internet is that it can now be accessed from so many different sources. Since I have a blackberry I am constantly using the internet 'on the go' enabling me to access information 24- 7.
The main thing I have to be aware of when using the internet is how reliable the sources are. For example, if I decide to use wikipedia as a source of research I have to be aware that anyone can alter the information so it may not be true. So it is up to me to decide how reliable the source of information is, and to do further research if needed.
E-mailing is a great way for me to interact as it allows you to contact person or establishment directly,without being to invasive into their personal lives if you don't know them very well. When I first decided that I wanted to pursue choreography as a career, I used e-mail as a way to ask for work experience with different choreographers and theatres. I preferred this to letters as e-mail allows you to attach documents therefore I could send them my CV and head shot as well. In addition to this, it meant to information was sent to them immediately and with no risk of getting lost, rather than a letter which could take several days and get lost in transit.
Today e-mail is still a fantastic and reliable source of information for me. It is how I quite often get contacted for different jobs, as I am more than happy to give people my e-mail address, but sometimes more reluctant to give out my telephone number. It also means I can contacted people on mass if needs be.
Social media and Web 2.0
I have used social media and Web 2.0 for many years, however it hasn't been until fairly recently that I have used them to benefit my professional career. Facebook, Twitter and blogging are a fantastic way to keep up to date with the latest information and trends. They allow people to have insight into your life and career, and also are a great way for you to promote and advertise yourself. However, they are only valuable as long as they are popular. In other words, there would be no point in me using Twitter if a) is wasn't that popular or b) the people on their weren't able to boost my professional network. Another thing to be aware of when using social media is that everything on there is very exposing. If you allow a Musical Theatre professional to be your friend on Facebook, you are allowing them to see your social life and interests outside of your career. Although this generally shouldn't be a problem, I am always aware of who I allow to be my friend, and monitor what goes up on my wall to ensure my professional career is not hindered.
The internet is another fantastic way to improve your professional career as you are opened up to the biggest pool of information and knowledge you can find. I often use the internet if I am meeting a professional for the first time and want to be clued up on their experience and career. Another way I use it is to find out information on locations for rehearsals using google maps and different theatres and choreographers that I can write too. A big positive about the internet is that it can now be accessed from so many different sources. Since I have a blackberry I am constantly using the internet 'on the go' enabling me to access information 24- 7.
The main thing I have to be aware of when using the internet is how reliable the sources are. For example, if I decide to use wikipedia as a source of research I have to be aware that anyone can alter the information so it may not be true. So it is up to me to decide how reliable the source of information is, and to do further research if needed.
Face to face interaction
I am someone who will always try to use face- to- face interaction where possible. I believe that it gives you the maximum opportunity to give your best impression, and allows you to express your ideas and experience. While I was doing the 42nd Street Gala, I got talking to a person a knew through a mutual friend and through conversation and explaining a bit about myself, I got asked if I would work for him. This kind of thing would not have been possible had we not met in person, as a) he wouldn't have seen me at work and so known that I was efficient and reliable and b) I would have not been able to learn about what he did in so much detail and explain my link to his work.
I also deal with a lot of different people when it comes to teaching, as I regularly interact with pupils, parents and other teachers. Through this interaction I am able to get a good understanding about what it required in my classes, and provide parents with a sense of security as they feel that they have a more personal relationship with the teacher.
Personally for me, there haven't been any negatives when using face- to- face interaction as a main source, however I must always be aware that I articulate and present myself in the right way. In addition to this, I think appearance can be very important especially if you are meeting with people that can heavily influence your career. The reason for this, is that people tend to make judgments very quickly, and I would never want to give someone a reason not to hire me. I like to maintain a professional attitude and appearance at all times when it comes to work.
I am someone who will always try to use face- to- face interaction where possible. I believe that it gives you the maximum opportunity to give your best impression, and allows you to express your ideas and experience. While I was doing the 42nd Street Gala, I got talking to a person a knew through a mutual friend and through conversation and explaining a bit about myself, I got asked if I would work for him. This kind of thing would not have been possible had we not met in person, as a) he wouldn't have seen me at work and so known that I was efficient and reliable and b) I would have not been able to learn about what he did in so much detail and explain my link to his work.
I also deal with a lot of different people when it comes to teaching, as I regularly interact with pupils, parents and other teachers. Through this interaction I am able to get a good understanding about what it required in my classes, and provide parents with a sense of security as they feel that they have a more personal relationship with the teacher.
Personally for me, there haven't been any negatives when using face- to- face interaction as a main source, however I must always be aware that I articulate and present myself in the right way. In addition to this, I think appearance can be very important especially if you are meeting with people that can heavily influence your career. The reason for this, is that people tend to make judgments very quickly, and I would never want to give someone a reason not to hire me. I like to maintain a professional attitude and appearance at all times when it comes to work.
My mobile; text, call and e-mail
My mobile is something I have on me all day everyday. It allows people to contact me directly, and can be used to call, text and e-mail. This means there is always a way for open line of communication to be available between me and other people in my network. The other positive is that I can get real time information coming through to me all the time. For example if I am going to a rehearsal and last minute the venue gets changed, I am able to be contacted straight away and given the new location. Another scenario is that I have been contacted through text, call and e-mail to cover last minute lessons when teachers are unwell. Overall my mobile is something that I can't be without if I want to have a good professional network.
Word of mouth
I think it could seem strange that I use word of mouth as a main source of information, but it is something I have been using a lot more recently now I have started to expand my professional network. Word of mouth is a rare but a hugely valuable source, as it generally means that you have either been recommended for a job, or someone has told you to get in contact with someone because they think you will be suitable. I recently got a call from the Urdang Academy asking me to come in and help with their Foundation year end of term show. This was a great honor as they contacted me because the found out about all the work I had been doing since I graduated and felt I would be right for the job.
The only down side to using this as a source, is that it still requires a lot of work your end, as you have to keep you name constantly circulated so you become at the front of people's minds. What I have quickly learnt since graduating, is that everyone leads very busy lives and can either be forgetful or tend to have people they have worked with before so will always ask them. This means that in order for me to begin to work my way into that circle, I have to constantly promote myself and make sure I have covered a wide base.
Other people and their network's
Georgie Bird put down the Pineapple notice board as one of her main sources. This is something I have never used mainly because I don't tend to go to Pineapple for auditions. However, I recognise that it is a very useful way to keep up to date with current classes and events that could improve your network. The only downside is that if you don't look at the notice board on a very regular basis, you will find that things aren't current, or you have missed opportunities all together. In order for me to gain maximum benefit from it, I would have to start going to Pineapple a lot more.
Melanie Brown talked about the value of her agent as a main source of information. I can definitely see how this would benefit you as a performer as agents have very up to date information about current shows and auditions. I would love to have an agent to help me find out about choreographic jobs, but right now I am not well known enough to need one. However, this is a definite goal for the future. The only thing I am skeptical about when it comes to agents is that you become reliable on them and the don't find out about jobs for yourself. This is something I would not want to happen because I am always very conscious that you are in charge of your own career. Melanie also talked about how she has her CV and head shot in a document that she can access on her computer and her phone. This is something I have never thought about doing,but I think it is an excellent idea. This way if anyone contacts you and needs immediate information you have a ready made package to send over. This would be something that is very easy for me to do and could help to develop my network.
When reading through Sarah Robinson's blog I noticed that she put down magazines, DVD's and books. In the future I hope to complete my RAD and/or my ISTD teaching qualifications and for this you need to use books and DVD's constantly to be clued up on current teaching events and the different syllabuses. In terms of my present career I have never really though about using these sources unless its's for inspiration for choreography, but I am trying to think reflectively as to how it might be useful. DVD's of different choreographers work could be a good way to improve my network as I will then be more aware of different styles, professionals and shows. Magazines are a good way to read up on interviews and adverts, but like the Pineapple notice board you have to be careful of how current they are as the adverts are not a 'real time' source. Another thing that came to mind was that magazines and books often come in the form of and e- book or e-magazine which means they are available to you at a touch of a button. Because they are so available I think it would be good for me to make a conscious effort to use them. This way I am literally trying to utilise all my resources and widen my network in as many ways as possible.
And so...
When I reflected back on this blog I noticed that other than face- to- face and word of mouth interaction, all my other sources are reliable on a computer. Although I realise that with modern society today everything is dominated by technology I still believe that a hand written reflective journal source. The reason for this is because it documents everything by day or event but also exposes you thoughts and feelings. It's a great way to keep track of your career, write lists and notes and to generally document what you want when you want. Although I am so grateful for technology I don't think I will ever be able to give up the good old fashioned journal!
My mobile is something I have on me all day everyday. It allows people to contact me directly, and can be used to call, text and e-mail. This means there is always a way for open line of communication to be available between me and other people in my network. The other positive is that I can get real time information coming through to me all the time. For example if I am going to a rehearsal and last minute the venue gets changed, I am able to be contacted straight away and given the new location. Another scenario is that I have been contacted through text, call and e-mail to cover last minute lessons when teachers are unwell. Overall my mobile is something that I can't be without if I want to have a good professional network.
Word of mouth
I think it could seem strange that I use word of mouth as a main source of information, but it is something I have been using a lot more recently now I have started to expand my professional network. Word of mouth is a rare but a hugely valuable source, as it generally means that you have either been recommended for a job, or someone has told you to get in contact with someone because they think you will be suitable. I recently got a call from the Urdang Academy asking me to come in and help with their Foundation year end of term show. This was a great honor as they contacted me because the found out about all the work I had been doing since I graduated and felt I would be right for the job.
The only down side to using this as a source, is that it still requires a lot of work your end, as you have to keep you name constantly circulated so you become at the front of people's minds. What I have quickly learnt since graduating, is that everyone leads very busy lives and can either be forgetful or tend to have people they have worked with before so will always ask them. This means that in order for me to begin to work my way into that circle, I have to constantly promote myself and make sure I have covered a wide base.
Other people and their network's
Georgie Bird put down the Pineapple notice board as one of her main sources. This is something I have never used mainly because I don't tend to go to Pineapple for auditions. However, I recognise that it is a very useful way to keep up to date with current classes and events that could improve your network. The only downside is that if you don't look at the notice board on a very regular basis, you will find that things aren't current, or you have missed opportunities all together. In order for me to gain maximum benefit from it, I would have to start going to Pineapple a lot more.
Melanie Brown talked about the value of her agent as a main source of information. I can definitely see how this would benefit you as a performer as agents have very up to date information about current shows and auditions. I would love to have an agent to help me find out about choreographic jobs, but right now I am not well known enough to need one. However, this is a definite goal for the future. The only thing I am skeptical about when it comes to agents is that you become reliable on them and the don't find out about jobs for yourself. This is something I would not want to happen because I am always very conscious that you are in charge of your own career. Melanie also talked about how she has her CV and head shot in a document that she can access on her computer and her phone. This is something I have never thought about doing,but I think it is an excellent idea. This way if anyone contacts you and needs immediate information you have a ready made package to send over. This would be something that is very easy for me to do and could help to develop my network.
When reading through Sarah Robinson's blog I noticed that she put down magazines, DVD's and books. In the future I hope to complete my RAD and/or my ISTD teaching qualifications and for this you need to use books and DVD's constantly to be clued up on current teaching events and the different syllabuses. In terms of my present career I have never really though about using these sources unless its's for inspiration for choreography, but I am trying to think reflectively as to how it might be useful. DVD's of different choreographers work could be a good way to improve my network as I will then be more aware of different styles, professionals and shows. Magazines are a good way to read up on interviews and adverts, but like the Pineapple notice board you have to be careful of how current they are as the adverts are not a 'real time' source. Another thing that came to mind was that magazines and books often come in the form of and e- book or e-magazine which means they are available to you at a touch of a button. Because they are so available I think it would be good for me to make a conscious effort to use them. This way I am literally trying to utilise all my resources and widen my network in as many ways as possible.
And so...
When I reflected back on this blog I noticed that other than face- to- face and word of mouth interaction, all my other sources are reliable on a computer. Although I realise that with modern society today everything is dominated by technology I still believe that a hand written reflective journal source. The reason for this is because it documents everything by day or event but also exposes you thoughts and feelings. It's a great way to keep track of your career, write lists and notes and to generally document what you want when you want. Although I am so grateful for technology I don't think I will ever be able to give up the good old fashioned journal!
I agree with you on the journals. Sometimes its nice to know as well that if you wanted something gone from a journal you could tear it up and burn it and it would no longer be accessible. But with a computer you can delete something and they can still trace it. That scares me.