Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The skype coffee morning

So this morning Adesola, Megan, Ruth and myself had a great skype session. Even though each if us were in different modules, I found it was really helpful discussing a couple of things I needed to talk through...

Generally I think we all feel that feeling a lot of us get at the beginning of each module- an uncertainty that you don't fully understand the tasks. I think just by being able to talk through these concerns and realise everyone felt the same really helped all of us!

Adesola reminded us that the design of this course encourages us to think like a community- all helping and supporting each other and using Web 2.0 to do this. This comment, combined with other comments made by Megan and Ruth re- opened my eyes to this way of thinking. I think as you start your dissertation proposal at the end of module 2 and enter module 3 everyone focuses on their own inquiry's and it easy to neglect getting involved with other peoples work. This morning before our skype session, I had a read of a few peoples blogs and realised that I hadn't done it in a while. I found some really interesting ideas coming out, and I think I need to get back into this mind set once again.

By being involved with other peoples inquiry, I will not only enrich my own learning, but I may be able to give ideas and opinions to help others. I'm glad that I have realised early on into this module that I have slightly neglected this mindset as now I can really benefit from it for the rest of my final module. 

1 comment:

  1. Great points about keeping the network going. As part of BAPP you are a part of a community of learners. Work-based learning by its nature is about being 'out there', we are saying that includes the social networks of web 2:0 which can bring you together with peers. Great to talk to you last week.
