Reading over my feedback from Adesola, a few things have already jumped out at me.
The first important piece of feedback I was given was to work realistically within the time frame and to not try and set myself an unrealistic challenge. This comment stemmed from the fact that I wrote in my proposal I wanted to interview 6-8 different people. Adesola has advised me to concentrate my time on 4 people and maybe interview them more than once to monitor development. I think my enthusiasm for interviewing more is due to the fact that I love the topic and therefore want to interview as many people as possible! But due to the time frame of the module, I completely agree with this comment and have decided to do a much more focused set of interviews.
Secondly Adesola commented on my use of literature. While she said my choices were strong and well thought out, she also reminded me that
It is important to see the literature as supporting your analytical process
This is something that I am a bit nervous about. I have been using the last few weeks to go to the library and further my knowledge of the literature around my topic. While I am very interested in my discoveries, I am also a bit unsure how to use them. I feel that my inquiry will work better if I interview the choreographers first, and then do the literature reviews as this way they will be woven together. However I must use my time wisely and continue to go to the library throughtout the interviews to make use of the time . I am off there today so fingers crossed I discover some worthwhile pieces of writing...
The third point Adeosla talk about is analysis. She says the following...
You suggest using coding to look for themes across the interviews and that you will look at these themes in terms of the literature and of course your own experience. This use of triangulation is key to the inquiry.
This triangulation of analysis is something that I need to constantly remind myself of. At the end of the day, this inquiry is for my own personal benefit and so I must constantly remember to draw on my own experiences and not just make the analysis between the interviews and literature. I'm also hoping this way of thinking will help me weave the literature into my findings.
Finally, Adesola advises me about how I should see myself in the inquiry. She reminds me that I should not be afraid of the fact that I am in the research and I must use this.
As you progress in the inquiry do not be afraid of the fact you are IN the research. This is the nature of qualitative research the important point is to be aware of your own presence in what you are doing: finding your voice in the research. After all the heart of the inquiry itself is the same about understanding where the choreographer is in the choreographic process / understanding where the researcher is in the research process. Locating ‘I’ this will be the most valuable to you across creative processes.
Looking back over all the points from Adesola, I have noticed that there are two themes. This first is to be realistic with your research and plan your time efficiently. This is something that I think I can do well as I am an organised person, and with a slightly altered mind set towards the interviews, I think I can use my time wisely.
The second point made is how I use myself in this inquiry and also how I find my voice in this line of research. This is something I might struggle with more, however is the most valuable. I feel that phrase 'all the gear and no idea' could be applied to me right now. I have all the feedback and resources but I am still a bit unsure of how to actually do the task. However, I have had this feeling at the beginning of both previous modules and eventually I have got the hang of it. My plan is to have a skype session with Adeosla next week to discuss ideas, keep stimulating discussions on the Facebook page and also look over the archive of past blogs to help me kick start module 3.
Wish me luck!
Hi Iona,
ReplyDeleteI hope you're good.
Well done for getting to this stage :)
I've just read the above and it's nice to see the positive and helpful feedback you've received from Adesola and how you plan on applying this over this module.
I am exactly the same as you when it comes to having the resources and the plan all ready to go but it's actually knowing how to 'GO' and doing the task for real that is the problem. I hope you're skype chat with Adesola has helped!
I will be using coding to look for themes as I interview also...this is something in my own feedback that I was advised to look more into. Perhaps we can help each other along the way with this!?
I also need to look further into literature in being able to support my inquiry!
I think it is a good idea to limit the number of people you interview as this will hopefully provide you with deeper and more valuable content. I plan on interviewing 3-4 teachers and observing 3-4 dance classes.
Carla x