Thursday 28 February 2013

The Power of Twitter

I felt a blog was necessary as I have just been offered an internship, and how did I find out about it? Through a tweet! Before this opportunity came about I had only ever sent two tweets in my whole life. I purely used it for my curiosity into celebrities lives, and because everyone else had it so I felt left out! However, after this experience I can completely see how social networking allows you to get into contact with people, that might, in other circumstances be impossible. If it hadn't been for Twitter, the opportunity wouldn't have been opened out to such a wide spectrum of people. It would also not have been so easy to get in direct contact with the specific person so quickly.

I feel so happy to have been given this opportunity and felt that this blog was the perfect place to outlet my excitement!

This just proves to me how social networking can make the world, at times, seem like a very small place!


  1. Thats great really happy for you. And like you say if it wasnt for twitter you wouldnt have had the oppportunity. Certainly shows you how much we reply on it.

  2. Hi Iona

    Great to meet you the other day. I chose this post because it was made on my birthday!

    Was great to meet you the other day. My email is be great to get in touch.

